KI und funktionale Sicherheit (online) (EN)
KI und funktionale Sicherheit (online) (EN)
While technologies based on so-called “artificial intelligence” are nowadays expanding at an incredible speed, the usage of such technologies in safety related area is a challenge. Functional safety standards are based on the principle of validation based on requirement specifications, which results to be one of the main challenge when using artificial intelligence technologies, like for example machine learning. Several initiatives are ongoing worldwide to address this challenge from a standard point of view (like for example the ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 42/JWG 4). This workshop provides project managers, developers, safety experts and all the project stakeholders with a detailed understanding of the challenges related to the usage of AI based technology in functional safety (based on the example of machine learning). Moreover, a walkthrough about the current standardization initiatives is provided, in combination with detailed implementation of some techniques in a real customer project.
- Overview of usage of AI technologies in functional safety field (use cases, scope, definitions)
- Development Lifecycle for machine Learning vs. Functional Safety Development Lifecycle
- Validation and Verification of requirements and design: what can be re-used and what not
- Overview of ongoing standardization activities (e.g. ISO/IEC TR 5469: 2024(en))