KI und funktionale Sicherheit (online) (EN)
KI und funktionale Sicherheit (EN)
Ort: online
13.02.25, 09:00
13.02.25, 13:00
(4 Stunden)
- Senior Consultant at innotec GmbH since 10.2020.
- 3.5 years experience working across all phases of the functional safety life cycle (initial risk assessment to verification and validation).
- Proven functional safety experience across diverse industries (e.g., Machinery, Industrial door control systems, Automotive) including AI-based systems.
- 14+ years experience working on R&D projects in model-based software development and embedded software engineering.
- Development Professor (since 12.2021) at Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Osnabrueck University of Applied Sciences.
- Computer science engineer with passion for R&D
- Post doctoral researcher (06.2014 -09.2020)-University of Osnabrück
- Promotion/PhD/Dr. rer. nat.(09.2009-09.2012): Embedded software engineering, University of Osnabrück
Connect with Padma Linkedin Profile
- Overview of usage of AI technologies in functional safety field (use cases, scope, definitions)
- Development Lifecycle for machine Learning vs. Functional Safety Development Lifecycle
- Validation and Verification of requirements and design: what can be re-used and what not
- Data Integrity
- Overview of on-going standardization activities
- Assurance Case